Tarek Hassan

Monnafer Mor, Talaimari, Rajshahi - 6204, Bangladesh | Email: Tarekruet024@gmail.com


Hello There, This is Md. Tarek Hassan (Tarek), currently living at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I am a 4th year student of Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET). I am self-motivated with adapting and experimenting newer technologies all the time. I am extremely passionate about Data Science, Milimeter Wave (mmWave), and VSAT Technology including fifth Generation (5G) Cellular Networks.

" Reliable Network Analyst skilled in designing and implementing IT systems and network configuration. Capable of maintaining and monitoring various computer peripherals. Meticulous System analyst with Secret Security clearance experienced in big data, analytics, and monitoring critical systems. Eager to apply background in engineering to augment protocol designing and reliable system. Effortlessly handles systemic maintenance while deftly correcting unforeseen malfunctions. Provides prompt, consistent and effective responses to employer and consumer needs."

Feel Free to Contact Anytime:

B.Sc. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)

CGPA: 3.8+ out of 4.00 ( Till 7th Semester)

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Rajshahi - 6204, Bangladesh
Graduation Year : 2020 (Estimated)
January 2016 - November 2020

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

GPA: 5.00 out of 5.00

Joypurhat Govt. College, Joypurhat (Major in Science)
Graduation Year : 2015
June 2013 - August 2015

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

GPA: 5.00 out of 5.00

Joypurhat R.B. Govt. High School, Joypurhat (Major in Science)
Graduation Year : 2013
January 2008 - May 2013

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, RUET

Thesis on Radio Resource Management on Fifth Generation (5G) mmWave Communication

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Resposibilities :
  1. Provided 2nd and 3rd level technical support and troubleshooting to internal and external clients.
  2. Resolved capacity and resource allocation problems, improved operations and provided exceptional client support.
  3. Installed, configured, tested and maintained operating systems, application software and system management tools.

August 2019 - Present

Robi Axiata Limited, Gulshan - 1, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Industrial Attachment / Field Attachment Training

Attachment Trainee

Resposibilities :
  1. Interfaced with local area network and wide area network telecommunications operations on secure compatibility and connectivity matters.
  2. Performed system moves and changes internally and by remote access and coordinated and prepared reports to support operation and planning of telecommunications systems.

April 2019 - May 2019

Engineers & Engineering Students Association of RUET, Joypurhat (EESARJ)


Resposibilities :
  1. Arranged many fresher’s reception as well as farewell programs
  2. Managed various fruit festivals
  3. Arranged Indoor and outdoor games for students and teachers
  4. Helped the students who are financially unstable during Corona Virus Pandemic

November 2019 - Present

Arc IT Solution, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Junior Web Developer

Resposibilities :
  1. Designed many responsive websites with bootstrap/css/bootstrap
  2. Worked through wordpress website with hosting in marketing level.

August 2018 - January 2019

Electronics Society of RUET (ESR), Dept. of ETE, RUET

Publishing Sectretary

Resposibilities :
  1. Arranged online support for many electronics project fair programs
  2. Managed distribution the awards among the winners.

February 2017 - 2019

Volunteers for Bangladesh, Joypurhat, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Executive Member

Resposibilities :
  1. Managed financial support for 50 poor people during winter season in Joypurhat zilla.

February 2018 - 2019

Programming Languages

  • 90%


  • 90%


  • 80%


  • 70%


  • 70%


  • 60%


Research Based Applications

  • 90%


  • 90%

    Jupyter Notebook

  • 80%


  • 80%

    NS -3

  • 80%


  • 70%


  • 60%


Web & Microsoft Office

Web Design & Development
  • 100%


  • 95%


  • 90%


  • 80%


  • 80%


  • 70%

    React JS

  • 70%


  • 70%


  • 90%


Microsoft Office
  • 95%

    MS Word

  • 90%

    MS Exel

  • 90%

    MS Power Point

  • 80%

    MS Visio


Drawing & Design Tools:
  • 70%

    Adobe LightROM

  • 70%

    Adobe Photoshop

  • 80%


Operating Systems:
  • 90%


  • 70%


Internet of Things :
  • 90%


  • 90%


  • 80%


  • 60%

    Rasberry PI

Image Processing Tools:
  • 80%


  • 80%


  • 60%

    Gnu Octave

  • Data Science (DS)
  • Machine Learning
  • Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Communication
  • Surface Intelligence Security (SIC)

  • 5th & 6th Generation ( 5G & 6G ) Wireless Networks
  • Software Defined Network ( SDN )
  • Radio Resource Management (RRM)

  • Millimeter Wave (mmWave)
  • 5G Channel Modeling
  • Media Access Control (MAC) Scheduling

  • Wireless Censor Networks
  • Transport Layer Protocol Design
  • MCyber Security in 6G

Awards (Academic / Non-Academic)

  1. Student of the Year 2018
  2. Board Scholarship : For Details
    • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination 2015
    • Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination 2013
    • Junior School Certificate (JSC) Examination 2010
  3. Acknowledgement for Brilliance

Online Course Certification

IBM Data Science Professsional Certification (IBM Specialization) (Link)
  1. What is Data Science? (Coursera) (Link)
  2. Tools for Data Science (Coursera) (Link)
  3. Data Science Methodology (Coursera) (Link)
  4. Python for Data Science and AI (Coursera) (Link)
  5. Databases and SQL for Data Science (Coursera) (Link)
  6. Data Analysis with Python (Coursera) (Link)
  7. Data Visualization with Python (Coursera) (Link)
  8. Machine Learning with Python (Coursera) (Link)
  9. Advanced Data Science Capstone (Coursera) (Link)
Machine Learning Courses :
  1. Machine Learning (Stan Ford University) [Best Course for Machine Learning] (Link)
  2. Machine Learning: Regression (University of Washington) (Link)
  3. Machine Learning with Big Data (UC San Diego) [Coursera] (Link)
  4. Advanced Machine Learning & Signal Processing (IBM Specialization) [Coursera] (Link)
Basic Courses Need:
  1. SQL for Data Science (UC Davis) (Coursera) [Best Course for SQL] (Link)
  2. Software Defined Networking (University of Chicago) [Coursera] (Link)
Python For Everyone Specialization (University of Michigan)
  1. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) (1st Course) [Coursera] (Link)
  2. Python Data Structures [2nd Course] (Coursera) (Link)
  3. Using Python to Access Web Data (Ongoing) (Link)
  4. sing Databases with Python (Ongoing) (Link)
  5. Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python (Ongoing) (Link)
Advanced Data Science Specialization (Coursera)
  1. Introduction to Data Science in Python (Coursera) (Link)
Data Science Specialization (Cognitive Class)
  1. Data Visualization with Python (IBM) [Cognitive Class] (Link)
  2. Data Analysis with Python (Cognitive Class) [IBM] (Link)

Thanks For Visiting My Website

All Rights Preserved By TarekRUET024@gmail.com